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Download YouTube Comments in seconds!

Turn comments from YouTube videos, live streams, shorts, community posts, playlists and channels into usable data.

Find the best one using our powerful AI powered search engine - no technical skills needed.

Export to Excel, CSV, JSON, HTML, PNG and more, fast.

Avatar of one of our users, randomly selectedAvatar of one of our users, randomly selectedAvatar of one of our users, randomly selectedAvatar of one of our users, randomly selectedAvatar of one of our users, randomly selected
915,907,816+ comments downloaded
35,071+ people's time saved
  1. Versatile export options

    Export comments as XLSX, CSV, JSON or HTML. Open in browser, import into Excel, your preferred data analysis tool or use with AI models.

  2. Bulk downloads

    Download comments from an entire channel or playlist in one go. Our customers says it can handle 3,000 videos with 750,000 comments under 30 minutes.

  3. Familiar look

    HTML exports are designed to look like YouTube. Perfect if you want to take screenshots or use in presentations.

  4. No-code

    Our service is designed to be user-friendly. You don't need any programming knowledge to use our tool. With few clicks you can get a file you can upload to ChatGPT and analyze it.

  5. Time efficiency

    Fastest tool on the market, no queue and even 5000 comments per 1 minute. Ideal for social media managers and researchers who need to analyze large amount of comments.

  6. Best search

    Find mentions, hashtags, emojis, timestamps in no time. Typo? No problem, our search is typo tolerant. Need to find similar words? Use the AI powered search.


people time saved


total comments downloaded


downloads in the last 30 days

36 minutes

average time saved per user

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