
Download YouTube Video Comments

Easily find and export all comments from any YouTube video.

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In a bulk mode you can get all comments from a whole channel or playlist with a single click. 750,000 comments, from a 3,000 videos in under 30 minutes.

Bulk mode is not available in your browser, due to lack of support for the File System API.
Please use Chrome 114+, Edge 114+ or Opera 100+ on your computer.
Please enter a valid YouTube video URL Please enter a valid YouTube community post URL Please enter a valid YouTube short video URL Please enter a valid YouTube playlist URL Please enter a valid YouTube channel URL

Sit back and relax, we're on it!

We're busy collecting all the comments from your selected sources.

Please keep this page open while we download the comments for you. If you leave, you won't be able to save the comments again without starting over.
If you need to download in the background, check out our desktop app .

1. Select the content type you want to download
2. Select the format in which you want to save the content
3. Select a directory where you want to save downloaded files
Something went wrong while trying to select the directory. Please try again.
Make sure you give all the requested permissions, and your browser settings are not blocking it.
Preparing list of items to download...
Comments downloaded so far
Finished out of items
downloads finished and saved in directory
Total comments: . Saved time:
We failed to download items, check the list below for more details
Content that failed to download

Your comments are ready

Choose preferred file format and save to your device for later use.

It took us just 😇
You would need about to do the same, assuming browser won't crash 😅
Human loads about 100 comments every 45 seconds (including replies).
comments / download limit reached All prepaid credits used.
No worries, you can get up to 3,000 credits for free! Check the pricing page to see how you can get a higher limit, prices starts at just few bucks! comments / month limit reached
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As a solopreneur, I'm trying to make a living building apps like this, so reviews are for me more valuable than gold 😅

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Spot trends, check sentiment, find constructive feedback or products people are talking about. Do this and more with our GPT-4 powered Comments Analyzer.
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